
Announcing… Campaigner Tickets!

Announcing… Campaigner Tickets!

07 December, 2021

For Singing With Nightingales 2022 we are delighted to announce the Campaigner Ticket scheme, which will offer subsidised tickets to people actively involved in environmental sustainability, conservation or climate justice.

At The Nest Collective we are committed to ensuring access to all of our programmes, and we regularly offer discounted tickets to the Low-Waged, Unemployed, and NUS members. This new scheme is in addition to that ongoing offer. Successful applicants will be granted access to a limited number of £39.50 tickets to Singing With Nightingales in spring 2022 (full price £79).

Campaigner Ticket applications can be made through a short Google form that will ask a few questions about your climate activism or involvement. Financial eligibility is still an important consideration for us, but is not a fixed requirement for this scheme.

The deadline for applying is Monday 31st January 2022. All applicants will be notified (yes or no) by 6pm on Tuesday 15th February 2022.

Successful applicants will then be given a unique code to book in for their preferred date in the Singing With Nightingales season. Limited Campaigner Tickets will be available on all Sunday-Thursday dates in the season, so early booking is recommended once you’ve been given a code to ensure your first choice of date.

“Those working at the forefront of the ecological and sustainability movement are often the ones to experience the highest levels of burnout, eco-anxiety and other stress-related issues. The consequence is an active hindrance to the capacity at which these pioneers can operate. The Nest Collective believes this community of campaigners, whatever their role, need as much support, nourishment, welfare and championing as possible and the Singing With Nightingales experience is a fortified dose of the very stuff they are trying to protect. The ‘Campaigner Ticket’ scheme is there to provide subsidised access to these events to make sure those who need it don’t miss their chance. Who do you know who does ‘good work’ and deserves this treat?”
Sam Lee, The Nest Collective Artistic Director

Please click here to apply for Singing With Nightingales Campaigner Tickets

The Nest Collective

Join us for an evening of music by the campfire, a festival celebration, a midnight walk into the forest, or a three-day music and nature pilgrimage.

Take a look at our projects here.

Campfire Club

Discover extraordinary music around the campfire in beautiful green spaces.

Magpie’s Nest

Our much-loved one-day festival, celebrating the finest folk and roots music from around the world.

Ceilidh Liberation Front

A radical dance sensation, reinventing the lore of the Ceilidh.

Fire Choir

Open to all, this community choir is dedicated to revitalising communal singing with activism and empowerment at its heart.

Nature Pilgrimages

Step out of the every-day and journey into nature.

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The Nest Collective

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