
Bethan Lloyd

Bethan Lloyd is a Welsh artist whose trance inducing vocals expand over an ocean of rave inspired production, harmonic layering and otherworldly ecstasy. Her sonic exploration has taken her from training as a classical singer, immersing herself in Berlin’s experimental music scene, to learning with shamans, masters and the ancient teachings of the natural world. In her latest album, Metamorphosis, Bethan, producing alongside Pre-Human bandmate and master of noise Isaac Ray, takes her intense explorations of the spirit and emotional realms and blends them into something playful and danceable, a gritty experimental pop.

“Bethan’s inventive use of dream-like, layered sounds is otherworldly.. a rousing electronic set overlaid with distinct vocals.” – Susan Hansen, Clash Magazine.

“Folky vocalist to power your pagan rituals” – James Thornhill, Electronic Sound

Bethan works as a vocal composer, voice teacher and performer. She is an avid collaborator, currently a member of NYX, Pre-Human & Global Collective. She has performed across the globe and currently has four solo releases. Bethan regularly teaches 5 day immersive retreats exploring the sublime nature of the human voice, guiding people to vocal liberation and deep connection with the divine nature of sound. She currently lives deep in the Welsh wilderness where she dedicates herself to the exploration of spirit, sound & voice.

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