
Laura Cannell

Laura has released five albums since 2014, successfully carving out a unique path with her work, receiving critical acclaim from the contemporary music press and regularly being included in numerous Album of the Year lists (including The Guardian, MOJO, BBC Radio 3’s Late Junction, The Wire and The Quietus).

Laura first came to prominence with her debut album, the semi-improvised “Quick Sparrows Over The Black Earth” (2014). Recorded in single takes in a small medieval church in rural South Norfolk, UK, the album was inspired by the surrounding Norfolk marshes and broads; this was followed a year later by “Beneath Swooping Talons” (2015), a beautiful suite recorded with deconstructed bow and of double recorder that encompasses both wild animal calls and long forgotten liturgical chords.

Laura’s next album was 2016’s “Simultaneous Flight Movement” which was recorded live, in one take inside Southwold Lighthouse in Suffolk and moved away from formal structures to re-imagine a sonic landscape unrestricted by time or origin. 2017’s “Hunter Huntress Hawker” again recorded live in single takes and largely improvised, this time in the semi-ruined church of Covehithe which sits on a fast eroding cliff on the Suffolk Coast.

Laura’s fifth album is “The Sky Untuned” (2019) which represents a new musical phase for the composer & performer, moving away from the adoption of music from the past by embracing a completely untethered exploration of new spaces for her music.

Laura’s style has evolved out of long self-taught sessions alongside dedicated training as well as employing her very open approach to join the dots with contemporary music makers. Laura studied the recorder at London College of Music graduating with 1st class honours in Performance. She also has a Masters in Performance Studies.

Recent projects include creating music for film, broadcast work for BBC Radio 3, “Reckonings” (2018) a collaborative album with Andre Bosman, tours with the cellist Lori Goldston (Earth, Nirvana) & collaborations with This Heat drummer Charles Hayward & Mira Calix, as well as commissions for Hampton Court Palace, The Immix Ensemble, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra & The Zuckerman Museum of Contemporary Art (US).

Upcoming Events

Singing With Nightingales: Earth Day 2021

Location: Live on Youtube

Time: 11pm - 1am



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